Sunday, December 26, 2010


Crackers are everyones friend. With a little work you can make your own. It's so simple and very very tasty. Making your own crackers means you can flavor them anyway you want. ;) This cracker recipe is just like my taco shells but using one more cup of a flour mix and flavorings)

3 cups bread flour
1 cup ( a mix of whole spelt, ground flax, rye meal, cracked wheat)
1/3 + 2 tablespoons olive oil
2 3/4 cup water
(Added dried Onions, pepper, garlic, salt)

Preheat over to 250 degrees

Mix flours and seasonings together than add the oil and then the water miz until the dough has fully come together and it's not sticky. Saran wrap it for 30 minutes and than roll it out like you do taco shells. Cook on griddle until cooked through. (something to keep in mind cook it on a lower temp or they will smoke). Add them to your oven and let them dry out until they are crackers.

Once they are cool break them apart. If you want squares, circles or any other shape. Cut them out of the dough before cooking them on the griddle.

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