Friday, August 6, 2010

Artichokes Galore

Artichokes! Thanks to a local Trader Joe's a few months back we where lucky enough to have artichoke's coming out of our ears ... well okay not really... but they where starting to pile up in our kitchen (as you can see) and well, to be honest...... that was only one trip. I think at least another 4-6 had come home before that photo. Rest assured none went uneaten. At .99 cents a piece how could one really not eat as many as we did? :) Alas, no photos exist of the spinach & artichoke dips that we made.  But to give you an idea of how we make the dip.

  • Almond milk
  • Spinach
  • Artichoke hearts
  • Spices (hotter the better)   sea salt, pepper, cayenne,  garlic,  lemon pepper, dill, a little Emerials (credit where credit's due, its a good mix)  etc...
  • Fresh: Garlic, Onion, Mushrooms, Ginger, Thai peppers(like I said, We eat Hot)
We bake it covered for at least 45 minutes at about 375 degrees

We make our own Almond milk. :) It's really easy to make.

  • 1 cup of skin on almonds
  • 4 cups of water in blender*
  • (sugar or agave if you want it sweet)

Boil a couple cups of water, add almonds, turn off. Let soak. After a few minutes you can pop the almonds out of their skin. Add them to the 4 cups of water in the blender and make it into milk. I know lots of people like theres strained. I normally don't. We don't use the almond milk to drink it tho. Its used in recipes and in making ice cream. So I don't strain mine. But feel free to do so, and if you do save the almond pulp and use it in muffins and other things. No reason to throw it out .

* If you want thicker almond milk u can always use less water than the 4 cups.

disclaimer... The name of this site is: Recipes Re-worked.... all recipes are just a guide line, a starting point ... thats the fun thing about cooking.... You can take a recipe and re-work it into something that fits your likes and taste buds. ;)

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