Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Vegan Gnocchi

Baked Gnocchi
Gnocchi Mix

Bake potatoes. Once baked let them cool and then scrape the potato out of its skin. If you have a food mill you can use that to rice them. If you don't you can just mash them up really well. Sauté the mushrooms, onions, and garlic in a little olive oil and add to the potatoes. Mix. Add enough flour to the potatoes that they just stop sticking to your fingers and then roll them out into a long snake. Once rolled out cut into 1/2 inch slices and then roll on a Gnocchi board.  

Add to boiling water till they float. Remove. Put in bowl and sprinkle with a little olive oil. Stir them carefully to coat with oil so they don't stick.

Lightly sauté your vegetable mix. Add Gnocchi to your baking dish and mix in the veggie mixture and the almond mayo, and ricotta. Mix in. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees until bubbly hot.   

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