Tuesday, September 7, 2010

All Purpose Buns

'Ham'burger Buns

So Is it just me that questions calling a hamburger a "hamburger" when its actually cow meat not pig meat? So I love making bread. It's one of my most favorite things to do. This dough is a higher hydration then even making Baguettes and its so worth your 4 hours time. I love this site The Fresh Loaf . It's gives me inspiration and a starting point to for me to create my own ideas. 

  • Bread flour 650 grams
  • Water 290 grams
  • Milk* 200 grams
  • Olive oil 30 grams
  • Salt 13 grams
  • 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast
  • **130 grams bread flour (approximately)
* Because we don't use milk I either use almond milk that I have made or a just take a couple of tablespoons of almond mayo and mix in to the 200 grams of water...  and its good to go.

Mix together sifted flour, salt and yeast. Add oil, water and "milk" stir it up. I mix this dough counter clock wise (I'm right handed) spinning the bowl every time I turn it in on itself.  I use the four fingers on my right hand with my thumb tucked up and out of the way. Because it's wet dough and it's nice to actually have dough to use ... I mix it till its cohesive (at least ten minutes... maybe 15) watching it the whole way. After it starts to come together I add **additional flour ...just enough till when I can just barely pick the dough up off of the bowl without it sticking. Once it is mixed I dump a tablespoon or so of oil on the bread coat each side and cover it.

After a hour I gently pull each of the sides in and flip it over . I wait another hour and do the same. After another 1/2 hour . I take the dough out and cut it up into how many pieces I want. This time I made a dozen but I have made 18 also, Feel free to choose how many you want. Using the boule technique form the buns and place in a lightly greased pan. Gently olive oil the buns .Cover them and while the buns are rising preheat the oven to 450 Degrees.  
Bake for 15 minutes or till the tops are lightly browned.(mine usually take a little longer then 15 minutes. After they you take them out, again gently olive oil them. 

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